Saturday, August 12, 2017

Life Extremities in Ethiopia

The economical, political and social ideologies have a direct and indirect impact on the fate of a certain population. For countries like Ethiopia, being a follower capitalism ideology; few people are standing at the sky while others stay in the bare of under poverty line. This is the final penalty of implementing capitalism without considering the access of basic human needs. 

As Herbert Spencer said, in this system “the fittest will survive while the unfit will unable to strive”. The few will laugh nervously and the majority will cry heartily. The destiny of the unfit group may be Emigration/Immigration, starvation, social unrest and finally socio economic crisis and death. 

Today I want to say something about the Ethiopian school age children since the upcoming month is the beginning of school activities. Whether we believe or not, the future of Ethiopia is on the hands of the new generation. Unfortunately, most of school age children are unable to access their food, cloth and learning aid materials. 

One study by local NGO indicated that almost half of school age children did not eat there breakfast and only 1% of children know the test of milk. I know there is school feeding program in few schools. However, the problem needs great attention and integrated system.

This catastrophic issue is a strong indicator for evaluating the ideology, the system as well as for doing something right now. Who will do that? What is our responsibility???

“Inaccessibility of food” Vs “the right to life”??????
(NB; The 3rd image shows students dance at one private school in Addis)

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